Sunday, March 12, 2006

Surely you jest?

If my freind didn't love so much, it wouldn't even be on my radar, but he put it there, and now after flipping down the dialogue therein; I'm thankful he did- blogs need to be open, they need to be uncensored, and we need to have courage enough to shout down our deeper darker sides. How can such shouting take place while people are busy yawning?


Monday, March 06, 2006

Ah the Matrix becomes ...something more

If you've been watching this V for Vendetta is true it does look strange...but it's also sort of refreshing, don't know about you, but it's hard not to be a conspiracy theorist in this world we live in. Anyway...if you've dropped bye ...why not leave a comment...we pleasantries...

Ah the Matrix becomes ...something more

If you've been watching this V for Vendetta is true it does look strange...but it's also sort of refreshing, don't know about you, but it's hard not to be a conspiracy theorist in this world we live in. Anyway...if you've dropped bye ...why not leave a comment...we pleasantries...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The changes come - its inevitalbe

Just as we watch people grow from children into teens, and teens into adults, so it is that everything, has a cyclic growth to it. What this implies in the strongest possible way, is that observing growth is observing a force at work that we can observe, even manipulate in some instances, but we cannot control. We didn't make this force, we don't make growth, it occurs until the organism ceases to grow and metamorphoses into something different. That we believe that this must inherently tell of the creator makes sense, great scientific minds have always proclaimed such, and it is mere observation that allows an individual to see this. What is interesting is that this creator has allowed us to become communicative. What do you think?