Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Going to a new site
centers to a new site that is kind of cool. This is just an
announcement you will see more of it on the content pages
a they come watching...we have some really nice
software that we are going to be giving out...see you then... - DrD
Friday, December 21, 2007
Working Blogs Are Getting A Free Shot In The Arm
I'm evaluating a multi-media'>">multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag'>">snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
- The best blogging techniques.
- How to get traffic to your blog.
- How to turn your blog into money.
I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Leave It Out
Step 1: Identify what is real, what you need, and what is - clutter.
Step 2: Write it down.
Step 3: Throw the list away - it's not going to do you any good -
you won't get rid of the clutter - if you were going to do that-
you wouldn't have clutter in your life to begin with!
Wanna go for it again? Nah...wouldn't that be...
cluttering up your life?
Until you leave a comment...I'm thinking of you...Love - DrD
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Shyness and the gospel
Sunday, August 19, 2007
New - Newsy - Yet Strangely- ...
This week has been a real adjustment for me, from having tons of free time to having no free time; it's an adjustment that is hard to make. Odd also is going from a mental power moving busines to a physical moving business, trust me, that adjustment has been eye opening all over the place. Ever been through something like that?
Ya gotta love it, don't'cha...
Sunday, July 29, 2007 on...
See you tomorrow....
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Growing - And Comfort Zones
We also have some money making concepts to share:
The Best Opportunity There Is!
Dr. Joe Vitale, the best there is
We have scholarships available - over $1900 dollars worth of training-
you can get in on this - get back with us on that! DrD
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Remember Fun - 3 Areas
so many interesting ideas into my mind. Try him my sense is that you will
like him.
If you are coming here from the mail out devotional you will be interested
in the three areas we are looking into. This is an excellent place
to catch up on clues, and here is a clue
Remember Fun - 3 Areas
so many interesting ideas into my mind. Try him my sense is that you will
like him.
If you are coming here from the mail out devotional you will be interested
in the three areas we are looking into. This is an excellent place
to catch up on clues, and here is a clue-
Friday, July 20, 2007
Going On - For A Reason
the I-phone is going to bring about?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
You Might Be ...
Are we trying to get somewhere, but we aren't real sure where that is?
So - what do you this success?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Incredibly Odd - Hypochondria...infectious bad health?
incredible good writing about this subject by Jaleh Donaldson
Along those same lines, is it possible that we are prevented
from being compassionate and that becomes a Catch-22 to our
own effective caring for others?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Fresh Content - With a question...

Monday, July 09, 2007
Deal? Wow...what a deal...
Here is the're gonna love it - and - it's not only measurable and controllable by you, it's for real. We're paying $100.00 for leads that qualify -you provide the lead when they qualify, you recieve $100.00 anyway you want- NOW- you tell me - is that an attractive offer, or what?
A Big question MIGHT BE---would you like more than a hundred?
Simply drop us a line with your name, your leads name, when you asked them if we could contact them, and their phone to reach them. When your lead joins our team, we send you $100.00 as a thank you. That's not bad ...and you control the contact, because you will know, oh believe me, you will know when your friend joins the's great..we also guarantee, no spiel, we never ask anyone for a dime- we just give them the facts, provide the information and if they like it, cool, if not...that's cool too- so send
us your leads we're waiting to say "Thank You" in a a major way...
Friday, July 06, 2007
Joining Us - Searching With Us
line is at the bottom on it to go to the
comments...leave one of your own...and...there you
will find what you are curious about...and remember
that curiosity, we will come back to it...
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Take my life - leave the freedom...please
our freedom comes at a tremendous cost-
the greatest cost of our freedom we have yet to see-
America is - the land of the brave, the home of the free-
America is the home of the free, because it is the land of the brave-
look full into the faces of our heroes who fight over there-
so we won't have to fight that war, here, in America.
This day may we honor those we love, who shed their very blood
that we might have the freedom to love them with all the courage
we can muster! Amen to our troops!
If you'd like to join an amazing group, and get over $1900 in a scholarship be sure to leave a comment that you'd like a shot at that scholarship
and we will gladly mail you the details, and you will get the scholarship,
it is being awarded out every day...don't miss out on this incredible
Friday, June 29, 2007
Triple The Exposure
shy about stating how you think, folks will discover your power- don't keep it hidden.
Remarkable Dr. Vitale is at it again and he is great!
Dr. Joe had a site listed that has a wonderful piece of music on it, go and treat yourself to this marvelous place enjoy that music.
Have a great day! - DrD
Thursday, June 28, 2007
From Christine's Deal
Enough ...Not Nearly Enough...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Take The Breath Of Life In...

When we see it for the first time, it's a little bit bewildering, the universe is a big place. When someone sees that, it almost gets too vast, it is almost beyond our ability to think, that kind of size is not a scale our brain will wrap around. Today we aren't going to discuss this big deep place called space, much, instead, this is a great time for you to take in something that you will love- it's a movie, well, kinda a movie- Have A Ball With It...
Love It ...Just Love it...Thats All...Love It...
an amazing man of God, and a spritiually deep and abiding man;shared with us about writing, about sharing the message, yes, he taught preaching, but this great man of God shared his soul and we, his student's, loved him for it. Dr. Taylor built love from a deep place, a place where giving of himself was the order. Many times after class Dr. Taylor would stay and talk and share and care- and that, made the difference. Dr. Taylor has now gone on to be with our Lord, he is at peace, we are still here, but Dr. Taylor's life must be kept sacred as was his representation of the fine art of loving those we are blessed to be able to reach. Are you thankful today to be blessed to reach some? None of us will reach all, but we all, can reach some, and if we do, some will get reached. You are so vitally important to the world of fresh, new, ideas, the world of exploding meanings and creativity, let your message of powerful, loving devotion, flow out today- and may your efforts be truly blessed.-DrD
You Miss A Lot, Quick, So Come On
Dr.Viatle's site Go ahead and drop bye his blog...but first leave a "lil" piece of yourself here...we at A.M.G.C. have some amazing gifts we'd love to share with you, they are truly free with no strings of any kind go ahead...leave a comment and watch what sort of wonderful free gift you might get.
Love the readers...keep reading...-Drd
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Lets Hope So
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
When Your Diet DIES...Some ideas...that work!
Eventually the fad pusher admits it, yes their diet is the one you need to buy into, and yes they know you have heard stuff like it before, but still, you need to listen to their pitch, buy their tape, and purchase their book. It’s burning itself out, this internal anti-fat market- where fad publications and “buzz” marketing have sent many ladies close to the edge, and many more to the stationary bikes!
What experience has taught me is that sound eating is hard to do in today’s culture, because everyone is always on the go, we don’t do meals around the family table every evening much anymore. World wide the development and consumption of fast food is still one of the most pronounced growth markets, trends and stocks. So we can come to grips with a reality factor here, diets are going to be around for a while. Darn it.
Be sure to check out: Under the links is a neat testimonial
Fantastic Place
Incredible Place
Warm And Joyous Place
Amazing Place
A Challenging Place
Monday, June 18, 2007
Time Switch

Be sure to comment - there really are some incredible FREE gifts waiting for you...
Be sure to check out:
Fantastic Place
Incredible Place
Warm And Joyous Place
Amazing Place
A Challenging Place
And remember to leave them comments...the free gifts are superb...they are really is what one of the recipients said:
"Dana thank you so much for the
free ticket - man it was so cool - tell your friends...
your give away stuff is worth bucks..
can't believe you give it away ...thanks." - Brenda
Friday, June 15, 2007
Reade Seligmann speaks out
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Love It - love it - and - be thankful...
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Come on...quit being shy...leave your comments
...but...go sure to leave a comment...
also if you haven't read
the daily devotional material...check this out
Monday, June 04, 2007
Is anger something we can understand
and if you haven't seen the daily devotional ...please feel free to zoom over to
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Comments are welcome
Sunday, February 04, 2007
hey, if it's you, leave a comment for your prize! Life
is good, no matter what!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
Best-es sites - HAPPY NEW YEAR
have really helped me this year -
Scot Mcknight, gentlemen, scholar!
Ken Schenck, professor, wonderful read
John Frye, author, wonderful fellow, incredible read!
Sadly the morning topped off with mourning for a man who was a professional
football player of enormous skill Darrent Williams
Your fans mourn your loss, it is so tragic, when will the madness ever cease?
Folks ending it on a high note - Happy New Year - let's stay hopeful for 2007!