Sunday, July 29, 2007 on...

Dr. Joe Vitale has one of the best blogs round, and I feel certain after having read and re-read and re-read again, some of his masterful work, that he would agree with me on this one- you want to know how to share - you really do...and here is the first clue, there will be a clue a day for a few days...but here is clue can't share what you don't have to share...doesn't matter what it is, if you don't have it, you can't share it... want to get it?

See you tomorrow....


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Growing - And Comfort Zones

Many of the readers who take in this blog don't comment - DUH--- and as a result we don't know what folks are thinking - look it's relatively safe to leave a comment- be positive, not negative- and think with us. Our best subject here is God based.

We also have some money making concepts to share:

The Best Opportunity There Is!

Dr. Joe Vitale, the best there is

We have scholarships available - over $1900 dollars worth of training-
you can get in on this - get back with us on that! DrD

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Remember Fun - 3 Areas

Reading Dr. Joe Vitale is fun, he puts
so many interesting ideas into my mind. Try him my sense is that you will
like him.
If you are coming here from the mail out devotional you will be interested
in the three areas we are looking into. This is an excellent place
to catch up on clues, and here is a clue

Remember Fun - 3 Areas

Reading Dr. Joe Vitale is fun, he puts
so many interesting ideas into my mind. Try him my sense is that you will
like him.
If you are coming here from the mail out devotional you will be interested
in the three areas we are looking into. This is an excellent place
to catch up on clues, and here is a clue-

Friday, July 20, 2007

Going On - For A Reason

Some of the best things that we say, we also just as quickly forget we said, this can be a good thing, but it can also be a result of information overload? The speed and intimacy of new communications like the I-phone are going to bring about sets of changes to trends that we are just not beginning to fathom from the incredibe rise of the web. What impact do you think
the I-phone is going to bring about?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

You Might Be ...

Success, we crave success, but do we really know what it is?
Are we trying to get somewhere, but we aren't real sure where that is?

So - what do you this success?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Incredibly Odd - Hypochondria...infectious bad health?

Is it possible for us to be compassionate when we are hurting?
incredible good writing about this subject by Jaleh Donaldson
Along those same lines, is it possible that we are prevented
from being compassionate and that becomes a
Catch-22 to our
own effective caring for others?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fresh Content - With a question...

This might seem like a bizzare question, but if you run the numbers - the business doesn't add up...try just thinking about it for a single commercial jet liner, consider fuel costs, fuel used for flight, equipment, maintenance and support...and guess what, the numbers won't fit- so how come the business works?'s just a question...
Here's another one...CLICK

Monday, July 09, 2007

Deal? Wow...what a deal...

Nobody would have suspected what has taken place in the last few days weather wise,all across this country, and then there is the Live Concert that took place about global warming- do you have an opine on this one?

Here is the're gonna love it - and - it's not only measurable and controllable by you, it's for real. We're paying $100.00 for leads that qualify -you provide the lead when they qualify, you recieve $100.00 anyway you want- NOW- you tell me - is that an attractive offer, or what?
A Big question MIGHT BE---would you like more than a hundred?

Simply drop us a line with your name, your leads name, when you asked them if we could contact them, and their phone to reach them. When your lead joins our team, we send you $100.00 as a thank you. That's not bad ...and you control the contact, because you will know, oh believe me, you will know when your friend joins the's great..we also guarantee, no spiel, we never ask anyone for a dime- we just give them the facts, provide the information and if they like it, cool, if not...that's cool too- so send
us your leads we're waiting to say "Thank You" in a a major way...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Joining Us - Searching With Us

Those of you who come here from the devotional - the comments
line is at the bottom on it to go to the
comments...leave one of your own...and...there you
will find what you are curious about...and remember
that curiosity, we will come back to it...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Take my life - leave the freedom...please

This 4th of July - let's pause to remember -
our freedom comes at a tremendous cost-
the greatest cost of our freedom we have yet to see-
America is - the land of the brave, the home of the free
America is the home of the free, because it is the land of the brave-
don't listen to those who claim we've lost our courage, instead,
look full into the faces of our heroes who fight over there-
so we won't have to fight that war, here, in America.
This day may we honor those we love, who shed their very blood
that we might have the freedom to love them with all the courage
we can muster! Amen to our troops!

If you'd like to join an amazing group, and get over $1900 in a scholarship be sure to leave a comment that you'd like a shot at that scholarship
and we will gladly mail you the details, and you will get the scholarship,
it is being awarded out every day...don't miss out on this incredible