Saturday, December 31, 2005

Oh my ...we did win the New Years Trivia Game

That's right folks..the men was ladies...usually thought to be brighter, versus the men, usually thought to be more athletic, ya know, that ol' cave man business...but guess what? The Men...that's right, us, we dealt the Estrogen thoughtful bunch...a huge loss! YEssss the men rule...since 2002!

What really is ...NEXT YEAR? ...

Someone pointed out that time is relative - that as a person gains in age, the experience of time for them is modified as a perception. I've often heard folks who had reached 40 or more years of age say that time was going bye faster, but until I reached it, the perception escaped me. The perception no longer escapes me- it is a reality- and the pure joy of what a young person can accomplish, the energy, the brilliance, the dynamic that they can do, and yet in so many sad cases, are choosing not to- has become what drives me forward with so many seemingly crazy schemes.
Bruce Schechter in "My brain is open" takes the time to share math in such a meaningful way, from such a fabolous leader, Paul Erdos; yet, unless you study the subject, Paul's name is obscure. Test this out, mention his name to the next ten folks you meet, just get bold and ask them, "hey, what do you think about Paul Erdos?" You will get a, "if I knew who he was I might know what to think about him, but - since you asked, who is he?" Or something the hard part...let me know how that goes...let's see if I'm on the mark, or, missin' it...betcha I ain' missin' it much?

Happy New Year Folks... -Dana

Friday, December 30, 2005

Stranger days still

It's beyond odd that with all this communication ability that we have, we also have a social setting where folks are separated. Being separate and apart gives people tremendous power over their internal enviornment, but the increase over internal locus decreases their social control. This may be a trend, and it might indicate that a paradigm shift is occuring at the societal level, on a much larger social scale than continental. Those who would like to pursue it in more depth will likely find some fun references at this site:

good huntin' to all who decide to try it on...have fun...

Dana on right With Daughter Patricia Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Oh oh...the link with the magic...

Yipes...nearly forgot...super site out there...just ran up on it so to say...

It's really cool...think you will enjoy it.

Crankin' it up a notch

Folks - we're movin' into a realm where nothin' much makes sense - the realm of funding and the government. But that's the fun stuff...let's just jump into some of the stuff that is ...slightly serious...

1) Shame on me - the blog was sittin' with no movement while I backgrounded stuff...that's crazy behavior on my part, but it wasn't disrespect to the science of this communicative tool- it was ignorance of the power contained herein.

2) After taking in some of Bizstone's "Blogging" and some of Ray Kurzweil's "SIngularity" - my eyes and heart for this type of moving communication to the masses have been blown wide open. So thank you for taking your time to read this..please do communicate back.

3) Linking is living - love those links...please post your's and let me know to post back with them....The New Year Is Upon Us...2006 will ROCK!